One of the most powerful ways to bring about positive change in any community is through group effort that brings the resources of many interested parties to the table. The be well Zone has been fortunate to have the support of not only the businesses and individual community leaders within our six-neighborhood zone, but also from organizations that have been staples in the Colorado community fabric.
Over the past few months members of the be well team have engaged several organizations in an effort to create and find impactful events and initiatives that will go to help educate our residents on the positives associated with healthy living. A few examples of groups who have been engaged in conversation include: Denver Parks and Recreation, 9 Health Fair, the Colorado Black Health Collaborative, The Center for African American Health, the Colorado Rapids and many more.
If you have ideas for partnership opportunities we want to hear from you. Contact Alisha Brown [email protected] with details on your thoughts to get our community to continue on its get healthy track.