Course Description
This be well Block Captain training program is a capacity-focused approach that seeks to energize residents to lead initiatives that create positive and meaningful change in their communities. Rather than focusing completely on needs, deficiencies, and problems, the be well Block Captain approach helps residents become stronger and more self-reliant by discovering and utilizing all their assets to actively contribute to their health and wellness and that of their families, friends’s neighbors and community.
The be well way training series meets the needs of participants with an interest in discussing and learning about grassroots engagement in health equity promotions and the civic engagement process. A specific focus is placed on racial equity, health disparities and the social determinants of health within the context listed above.
The curriculum involves a careful examination of the critical relationship between our race, health and where and how we live, work, learn and play. It describes how participation in civic engagement processes allow community members to provide input on the public policies that impact healthy equity.
Primary Audience(s):
Primary audiences for the be well Way training include individuals interested in learning how to lead a healthier lifestyle. It is also beneficial for people who would like to develop an understanding of how grassroots efforts can improve the health of communities.
Those seeking to understand the social determinants of health, health disparities and health & racial equity would also find significant value in the be well Way training. Community organizers and leaders looking for opportunities to collaborate and grow their capacity to engage community effectively would too, benefit from the training.
The information provided during the training is designed to enhance your understanding of the characteristics, attitudes, beliefs, values, behaviors, determinants, benefits and barriers to achieving health equity in order to create a strategy for social and political transformation.
All of the be well Way training sessions have been created by professionally trained individuals in the subject matter for which they are teaching. Sessions may also be facilitated by medical or public health students under the guidance of a trained professional.
Training Format:
This be well way community training is a self-paced course to complete at your own pace. It has a structure for delivering content by a specialist(s) on a topic and tracking progress. A group discussion will be offered in person in response to the presentation so that participants can describe what they learned to others in their own words, but with one community voice.
Culmination Project:
The be well Way training provides participants with hands-on community experiences that are intended to further develop their ability to engage their fellow neighbors, family and friends in activities that lead to healthier lifestyles. To this end, be well gives participants the opportunity to immediately use the skills and information that they have learned to advance health equity.
As a culmination of the be well way training, Block Captains will be asked to development and implement a community road map that will provide specific activities that Block Captains identify as health equity priorities in their neighborhoods.
There are multiple opportunities to support the mission of the be well throughout the year. If you are interested in volunteering and for more information, please call (720)451-1532 or E-mail: [email protected].
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